Jueves 7 de Sept a partir de las 6pm
Revillagigedo 47 Planta 3 Col Centro
Revillagigedo 47 Planta 3 Col Centro

En el ámbito del arte, la representación de la forma humana ha sido una fascinación constante para los artistas a lo largo de la historia. Desde las antiguas pinturas rupestres hasta las esculturas clásicas, el cuerpo humano ha servido como una musa atemporal. Sin embargo, a medida que las expresiones artísticas evolucionaron, el concepto de forma figurativa se expandió más allá de la mera representación, dando lugar a interpretaciones abstractas que desafían nuestra percepción. La curaduria Forma Familiar tiene como objetivo explorar el concepto del arte figurativo y su relación con la forma, examinando cómo los artistas navegan entre los límites de la abstracción y la familiaridad de los retratos y el cuerpo humano.
- KOIK Contemporary
Angela Leyva @angelaleyvago
Anna Garner @anna.b.garner
Daphane Park @daphanepark
Diana Bama @dianabama
Fernando Polidura @fpolidura
Gonzalo Garcia @gonzalogarcianoactor
Jordi Hernandez @jordihernandez_escultor
Leonardo Morales @leonardo.morales.esc
Manuela Riestra @manuelariestra
Maria Santamaria @lartdemaria
Maximiliano Ruelas @maxruelas
Mateo Pizarro @mateopizarro_
Melanie McLain @melaniekmclain
Vera Primavera @veraprimavera
Victor Esquivel @victoresquivelstudio
Zosia Zoltkowski @z.o.s.i.a.z
- KOIK Contemporary
Angela Leyva @angelaleyvago
Anna Garner @anna.b.garner
Daphane Park @daphanepark
Diana Bama @dianabama
Fernando Polidura @fpolidura
Gonzalo Garcia @gonzalogarcianoactor
Jordi Hernandez @jordihernandez_escultor
Leonardo Morales @leonardo.morales.esc
Manuela Riestra @manuelariestra
Maria Santamaria @lartdemaria
Maximiliano Ruelas @maxruelas
Mateo Pizarro @mateopizarro_
Melanie McLain @melaniekmclain
Vera Primavera @veraprimavera
Victor Esquivel @victoresquivelstudio
Zosia Zoltkowski @z.o.s.i.a.z

Performance: Familiar Form by Zosia
Sculpture Jordi Hernandez
Music Alonso Izquierdo Ávila Zuleta
Art Direction Lesdavag
Sculpture Jordi Hernandez
Music Alonso Izquierdo Ávila Zuleta
Art Direction Lesdavag
The performance began with the artist appearing completely nude, standing in front of an audience on the opposite side of the rooftop. Zosia exuded a sense of tranquility and entered a meditative state, setting the stage for a unique and thought-provoking experience.
She held a rope in her hands, connected to a wooden sculpture created by the artist Jordi Hernandez. Zosia gently pulled the rope, causing the sculpture to rise and fall gracefully, defying the expectations of its solid wooden nature. This performance was like a dance, a delicate balance between two different but harmonious elements.
Over the course of 30 minutes, Zosia and the sculpture engaged in a mesmerizing interaction. She embraced the sculpture, blending her body's curves with its graceful lines. This fusion between the human form and the intricate artwork of Jordi Hernandez created a striking contrast, a beautiful combination that resonated deeply with each observer. The friction and tension between her body and the wooden structure served as a meaningful symbol of the connection between humans and the environment.
"Familiar Form" went beyond mere performance art; it invited us to explore the intricate relationship between ourselves and the world around us. It encouraged us to reconsider the idea of separation and recognize the profound connections that tie us to our environment.